One of the first things I wanted to do when I became a Minneapolis boudoir photographer, was to create a safe space for my people to experience this transformative experience. Enter: studio sessions. I spent many, many, MANY late nights and long afternoons building this space from scratch. From painstakingly scraping popcorn ceilings off, to […]
Kirsten of Radical Babe Studios reached out to me a few months ago to book her own Spicy Studio Shoot with me. I always feel SO honored when fellow boudoir photographers choose me for their intimate portrait sessions. I’ve had a few of them recently, which you can see here, here, and here. It’s so […]
When this hottie reached out to me to book her boudoir session, she told me she wanted a post-baby shoot to boost her confidence. She recently became a mom, and as any of us moms know – having a baby changes your body. Postpartum is a unique and challenging season of life, and I was […]
Time to feature another photographer who joined me in the studio recently for an intimate portrait session of her own! She choice Lounge lingerie for several of her sets, and I was not mad about it (love me some Lounge!) Brianna is a fellow boudoir photographer, and I was so freakin’ honored to photograph her. […]